Monday, May 11, 2009

Getting back

Yikes it is nasty, rain mixed with snow and wind cold for us poor warm weather creatures, temps -2C and it is now 3:00 pm, will have at least 4 degrees of frost tonight! Woody had a Dentist appointment today and did some shopping and catching with friends in the area, while I have spent most of the day getting all the information/schedules for the park in order and doing some work on the blog. Many bookings already throughout the summer, many weekends are completely booked. The grass is greening up and the trees are starting to bud, all this week is not predicted to be very nice with some sun, clouds and showers, rain or snow depending on the temperatures! Tonight Woody attended the Onoway Fish and Game Association meeting and I continued working on the blog, man I am so far behind and blogging takes a lot of time, especially when I post pictures.

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