Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gotta get Organized!

Nothing spectacular to report, pretty ordinary day at Imrie Park a few people pulled in today for the big weekend (Onoway Fish and Game Barbecue here this weekend) I had an appointment in Spruce Grove after which I shopped for some flowers for the park, think it is safe to put flowers out now, no more snow or freezing temps usually at this time. A couple of folks stopped by checking out the park and had some questions; Woody graded the roads using the bucket on the tractor and mowed some grass. It will be a busy weekend but should be fun. The dogs are doing great, learning more each day regarding greeting folks that drop in, not barking when the doorbell rings, just run excitedly to us but still are learning how to greet people calmly! Some people are not happy to have our little dogs jump on them and our dogs need to learn to respect that at least until invited. The weather was good, better than predicted actually, no rain, still a little cool for this time of year at 15C (59F) for a high but suppose to be real nice for the weekend, YEAH! I decided I really need to organize my time more efficiently and made a huge To Do List for myself in hopes that I can organize tasks accomplish all the tasks and have lots of time for the things I just want to do! It really amazes me when I think what I accomplished while working full time and that is what got me to thinking that I am not organizing my day well and prompted me to create the To Do List. Wish me luck eh! Hope you have a great day tomorrow and remember never drive faster than your Guardian Angel can fly.

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