Monday, May 3, 2010

Wind, Wind, go away

The wind is howling, sustained winds in the 30’s mph (50's kph) with gusts to 44 mph (72 kph), and predicted to blow until tomorrow night with gusts to 64 mph (104 kph) overnight. We are rocking for sure, the winds are from the west which hits the full living room side of the fifth, and saving grace is we have a camper on truck and a trailer beside us which breaks the wind for us a bit. It is not cold but supposes to cool off big time on Wednesday, like down to 46F (8c0 as a high but that we can deal with that as long as the wind slows down so we can get on the road. There is nothing much of interest to see around Wheatland, checked the tourism site, museum not open until mid May and the only other thing that was listed was a reservoir so we drove around town, some nice old buildings, stopped at a "Antique/Used/Consignment store" lots of stuff, some nice stuff, but nothing that we wanted, have no room anyway, only bought a couple of Louis L'Amour books to add the collection. Well that is about all, Woody is watching hunting on the Outdoor Channel and I knit while half watching, take care all and hope you had a great day!

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