Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Delay in trip south

Well our planned get away to AZ has been quite an experience this fall between weather and other issues.  We decided to stay for the November Onoway Fish and Game Monthly (second Tuesday of the month) meeting in hopes of getting an agreement signed for next year working at Imrie Park as we have done for the last three years which didn’t happen.  We were assured that we were definitely wanted back but until they received the budget which won’t happen until February or later the agreement could not be signed.  The club is going through some hard changes right now and they are hopeful the club will be running smoothly again after the elections in March.  Wish we could be home for the elections but that is not possible unless of course we end up staying here for the winter and I am not sure how I feel about that right now, part of me says find a place and hang out here for the winter and the other part is screaming to get out of here.  The weather turned against us November 10, the day we planned to leave with high winds, then we had an propane issue, more weather issues, and yesterday after hooking up the lights on the fifth wheel were not working properly so we stopped at Dale’s (Country Automotive) in Onoway and the mechanics found the module that controls the lights was not working correctly, so they had to order the module which would take overnight luckily our friend Ron Johnson offered his yard to park overnight which was awesome, we are hooked up to power, warm and comfortable.  I am a nervous wreck, my stomach is in knots wondering what will happen next and wondering if we should stay here or attempt to go south, for some reason I have had a bad feeling about this trip south for a long time.

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