Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dec 19th & 20th

Dec 19th

Today the highlight was attending the Jam Session, did not take any more pictures, just relaxed and enjoyed the music. Did not do anything exciting, just daily tasks, high today was 66F 18C a great day none the less!

Dec 20th

Attended the Breakfast Buffet today, always good food and wonderful camaraderie, sure do not need lunch after such a huge buffet! At 2:00 pm gathered at the clubhouse for High Spirits Flutes presentation, more information on learning to play the flute plus sharing with all the flute players here in the parkIMG_2508.IMG_2510 Harry Seavey (owner of the Flutes and Feathers Productions) commended Woody on his progress; he was very pleased as he felt he was not progressing fast enough

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Returning from the High Flutes Session I settle in to working on the computer, I am still spending a lot of time setting up the new computer, things are taking a lot longer that I anticipated but I will persevere. Woody finds things to do while I am so engrossed with this computer stuff. We spend the evening chatting online with friends.

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