Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jan 12th to Jan 16th

Highlights of the remainder of the week:

Wednesday evening we celebrated the January Birthday’s with home made brownies and ice cream prepared and served by our Activities Directors Jim and Anne and a performance by Johnny Bencomo, always a great time. Friday we attended the Jam Session and Saturday we decided to go the Flea Market in Sierra Vista, didn’t buy anything but Woody met a knife maker who had some gorgeous knives, I was looking for a lady we bought bread from last year but she was not there, after lunch we drove to Elfrida, AZ (about a 45 minute drive) to check out a leather smith that a leather smith from home had mentioned, we didn’t find him but did check out the Art Centre which was cool. Elfrida is a small unincorporated community of about 1000 off Hwy 191.

The rest of the week we spent just doing our thing, Woody working on his projects, I spent time moving a mountain of items from my external hard drive which is acting like it wants to crash, i.e. sometimes it runs and sometimes refuses to run. We have very precious pictures on that drive, examples being family pictures I scanned a few years ago of my family dating back over 80 years plus many years of our family growing up and so many memorable occasions too numerous to mention, I am happy to report I retrieved them all. Next week I hope to retrieve the videos, that involves hours of transfer time and that means that I dare not use my computer while the transfer is happening but I have to monitor as the hard drive keeps shutting down, then I pray I can get it working again, so wish me luck! After I retrieve all the pictures and video’s I will transfer them to another newer hard drive, I thought about burning them to DVD’s but decided that was not feasible, (besides unless I use very expensive DVD’s they crash also) a DVD holds 4.7 GB per DVD and I have well over 100 GB, the other option is to upload each to a online service which is not feasible either and again no guarantee that option would be safe, I will take my chances with the external drive. One thing with an external hard drive, even if it crashes totally I can take the drive to a computer repair shop and pay around $100.00 for retrieval of the data, ah the joys of our digital world eh!

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