Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Working and fishing

Another warm gorgeous day, no rain predicted, Woody did some mowing in the campsites and cleaned up the horse shoe pits this morning, while doing that he stopped by the campers (a Good Sam group) to inquire if they needed anything, they requested a map to Salter’s Lake, Woody called me on the 2 way radio and I got busy looking for a map for them. It was a bit of challenge as Salter’s Lake is so small it does not show up on any maps, I can find Onoway but again streets and roads do not show up, after some research I find a map, print it out and off I go to pass it along to the campers. While I am chatting with them they ask about restaurants, the dump station and a bakery, I share the knowledge I have regarding restaurants and I know there is a dump station in Onoway, but not sure where it is, tell them I will find out for sure and let them know later, no problem they do not need the information until Friday. Woody is out mowing so I walk over to where is mowing and ask him but he is not sure exactly where the dump station is either, oh well back home, I will prepare a list of restaurants with addresses, etc. Later Josie drops by and she draws me a sketch of where the dump station is, I print off a map and mark exactly where the dump station is, I love doing that kind of thing, tomorrow when we go into Onoway I will check the directions to be sure they are clear and correct before handing them to the campers. We know what a pain it is to drive around looking for a specific location dragging a trailer behind when the directions are not clear. I played with Oreo but after about three throws, she took her fetch toy and just started walking down the path, too hot even for her. Woody came in for lunch, it was getting very warm, said he was going to go to Archery/Gun range to do some cleaning up with the mowers after lunch as it was getting too hot to work in the sun, shovelling and digging. We had a quick lunch and off he went with the small mower, returned later and picked up the big tractor, he came home around 4:30 pm tired said that was enough, lots more work to do there but was happy. We sat outside for a while had an adult beverage then he started working on finding a leak in the inflatable (it has developed a very slow leak), no luck finding the leak. We put some items on the BBQ for dinner, cooking them while still trying to locate the leak, cannot locate the exact place we will have to deflate it, take the floor out as it appears to leaking in one side in that area. Scott calls and wonders if Woody has time to go fishing this evening, well of course, he has time, so around 7:30 pm off they go, maybe they will get lucky again and we will have fresh fish tomorrow night! I cleaned up the dinner dishes, and worked on the blog for a while, Oreo laying in garage where it is cooler, not even asking to go out and play. Around 9:30 pm I take Oreo out is has cooled down very nicely, I love Alberta summers, always cools off at night, would be a great night for a campfire if we had a fire pit, but we have been told we will have one soon! All campsites here have a fire pit with wood provided with no extra cost to the campers, not many campgrounds offer that benefit anymore. . Interesting walk, fresh poop on the trail, I know it was there this afternoon and not deer droppings, thought it might coyote, there are always calling here in the evening, so decided to return home, do not need any encounters between Oreo and coyotes, she would loose as they usually travel in packs. Got home around 10:00 pm, the boys are not back yet either they are catching lots of fish or hanging out in hopes of catching some. Well it turns out they were catching fish arrived home about 10:30 pm excited and happy.

I think the smiles say it all.

Rainbow Trout, up to 3 1/2 lbs, Scott will smoke these fish, cannot wait to have a feast.

We sat outside chatting with Scott for a while and after his departure, we checked out favourite forums and called it a night!

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