I spent the morning planning our trip home, plotting driving distance, finding possible campgrounds that can handle our big rig and welcome pets, checking reviews of campsites, and their rates.
The hunters arrived home just after noon, I see them from my vantage point in the fifth but instead of unloading their gear, and Woody coming home both are wandering about the front of the house and looking in the back of Dave’s truck. I think to myself, what in the world are they finding so interesting! Turns out that Dave and Randi had a visitor during the night, a bear! The bear tore off a window screen, bent it, and tore a hole in it, chewed on the windowsill and for some reason got up in the box of Dave’s truck. There were bear tracks in the flowerbeds all along the front of the house, paw marks on the house, hair on the rail of the truck box and footprints in the bed of the box. By the size of the paw marks and tracks, we know it was just a little bear but a bear none the less. Dave had noticed the footprints earlier when he set his gear in the truck box with the dew in the box the prints were noticeable but just wondered to himself what in the world was Oreo doing in the truck box!
After grabbing some lunch Woody and Dave spent time paper tuning the bow and sighting it in.
After taking a couple of shots, some tuning was in order.
A little coaching from the master on Woody's form and techinque.
A little more practice and tuning.
Randi arrived home from work, joined us at Dave’s bow range, then we all had hot dogs prepared by Dave on the grill, toasted buns and all! We visited awhile, examined the bear marks once again, Randi is a better investigator than Dave or Woody; she found even more marks, way to go girl! After playing fetch with Oreo for a bit, we visited for a time then headed home for the rest of the evening.
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