Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Caitlin's School Awards, call from Woody

Attended granddaughter Caitlin’s Term Three Award day at school this morning and really enjoyed watching all the students receiving recognition for their efforts. Caitlin is in Grade 4 this year and attends the Onoway Elementary School, a very good public school. I was impressed and pleased from the beginning, Oh Canada started the ceremonies off, then the Lord’s Prayer was said. The school goes to great lengths assuring that the students are rewarded for more than just scholastic ability. There were awards for safety, music, athletics, attendance, and one for being helpful/respectful of classmates, other students, and teachers. This school puts heavy emphasis on teaching respect and values they are endeavouring to build positive confident young people. Caitlin loves going to school and has earned many awards, I shall be attending the year-end Awards day on June 24th to support Caitlin, it really is a pleasure to partake and observe the school working hard to build character among our youth.
After bidding farewell to Caitlin and Michelle, I headed to Onoway to do the laundry and to do some quick shopping. While there Woody called me, now that was a very exciting unexpected call. He called from the Safari office in Africa filling me in on a few details of the Safari. I was so excited to hear his voice and get some information on how the Safari hunt was progressing, I felt like a schoolgirl receiving a call from her new beau. I of course was on my cell phone and after a short conversation the connection dropped (coverage is very bad around the Onoway area) but at least I know he and his friends are having an awesome experience, he has gotten a Springbok (spelling) and Duiker with his bow and a Wildebeest with the rifle. He commented that Hunting Hills Safari Lodge is better than a five star resort, every evening they are being served a candlelight dinner (choice of menu items) along with wine. Their laundry is done daily and all the staff are treating them royally, I cannot wait until his return to see all the pictures and hear the stories. I feel much better now that I heard from the love of my life in person; I figured out the lack of communication is what has been bothering me, not just the fact that he is away, I have always been able to call Woody anytime I choose to do so or we have made pre-arranged call times during absences. Do not get me wrong though, I am enjoying the quiet, time spent with family, chatting with friends and reading books until the wee hours in the morning, life is wonderful!

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