Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Got a late start this morning, just had poured my first cup of coffee when Woody called. Tomorrow Thursday at 5:00 am, the gang will be leaving Hunter Hills Safari in the East London area heading for the Port Elizabeth Airport, on the first leg of their journey home. From Port Elizabeth, they fly to Johannesburg, and then to Dulles Airport from Dulles each will journey to their respective homes (there are 13 hunters in their group). Huck and Woody will fly to Denver, and then Woody will fly to Edmonton, arriving Friday the 20th at 8:38 pm MDT.
Woody shot a white Blessbuck yesterday, he said the Common and the White Blessbuck he got would be in the record book, and he is a happy hunter! He said Hunter Hills Safari far exceeded his expectations in everyway and of course would love to return. I can’t wait for all the stories from all the hunters to be posted on our favourite message board,
Wishes and prayers for a safe trip home for the gang in Africa!
After checking email, our favourite message boards and doing a few household tasks, I took Oreo for her walk/play time at the park, upon returning home grabbed a bite to eat and we headed into town to do a little shopping. The day was nice but cool enough to leave Oreo in the truck while I picked up a few items. She is so good when I leave her in the truck, she curls ups and sleeps. Oreo and I returned home after making sure she had water and food, I travelled to our daughter Michelle’s home to spend some time with Caitlin, she needed some company until her Mom and brother returned home. We had a first-rate visit just the two of us and I stayed for a while catching on news after Michelle and Christopher got home. During the evening, I was reading a message from a friend when some unexpected company arrived with bone in hand for Oreo. We visited until about 1:00 am, then I took Oreo for a quick play in the yard, she had missed our usual evening walk and I knew she needed a little more outside time and exercise, after which we both went to bed. I am so looking forward to Woody’s return; I can feel the excitement building within myself and I know Oreo will just go nuts!

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